Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Importance of Show and Tell

We had another great club session today. My favorite part... Show and tell!

Why is show and tell so important?

For yourself: 
- The opportunity to be recognized by fellow makers who truly appreciate your work.
- Motivation to complete or make progress on your project.
- Solicit feedback from the group if you are stuck.

Showing your work for your own satisfaction is only a small part of the reason.

For others:
- Inpsire other members of the group. Someone may be looking for the right inspiration to stop petting and start cutting her fabric.
- Teach others a new technique. Show and tell sparks conversation. So many teaching discussions start from show and tell. 
- Provide courage to that student who is too shy or modest to show her work.

For the teacher:
- Your teacher glows with each piece of show and tell. This means she's inspired you or taught you something. 
- She loves seeing class progress.
- She loves seeing kits turned into quilts! 
- Sometimes you inspire her with something new. Maybe this sparks a new class or store sample. 

Students ask me all the time about bringing show and tell.

Question: Is my work good enough to show?

My response: Even the greatest quilters start somewhere. Most quilters do not recognize the quality of their own work. The classroom isn't a quilt show. Give yourself a break!

Question: I think I bring too much show and tell. I don't think I should bring any more.

My response: Your work is a gift. Unless you are boastful and braggy, the other students really enjoy seeing your work. Everyone has a different amount of time and skill to dedicate to the craft. You may have time to complete a quilt (or two) in the same time someone else can make a block. PLEASE continue to bring show and tell. Your work is so inspiring! 

Question: Can I bring the quilt if I didn't buy the fabric from the shop?

My response: *GASP* you shop somewhere else? - TOTALLY KIDDING! A shop can't possibly carry all the fabric in the world. As a shop owner I only ask that you don't start selling other wares. It's important to support your local shop, but you are not expected to spend all your quilting dollars there. 

Question: I made a really cool scarf. Can I bring that to show and tell? 

My response: We don't carry an inch of yarn, but we encourage makers. We encourage all kinds of creativity!

So the next time you think it doesn't matter, run back to your sewing room to grab something to share before you head to class or club! Who know, you might even win a prize! 

Hugs and Quilts! Julie 

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